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Här kommer ni att finna lite tankar och annat smått och gott.
Here you can find thoughts and reflections.


A Part of Nature, A Part of Ourselves

 To see a part of nature
is to see a part of ourselves

To understand a part of nature
is to understand a part of ourselves

To love a part of nature
is to love a part of ourselves

To share a part of nature
is to share a part of ourselves

To help a part of nature
is to help a part of ourselves

(Backyard Nature Specialist)


Treat people right

When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is
anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.
-Edgar Watson Howe

From Black Hawk, Sauk

"How smooth must be the language of the whites,
when they can make right look like wrong,
and wrong like right."


"Your character is your destiny"
-Eugene Sullivan


Soaring Eagle Spirit

When your spirit is blue
A Soaring Eagle is sure to lift you

When the day drags you down
A Soaring Eagle will erase the frown

When your out of breath
Take solace in the Soaring Eagles breadth

For far or near
We all hold the Soaring Eagle dear

Come one, come all
I hear a Soaring Eagle call

Look high to the sky
Where you hear the Soaring Eagles cry

See the Soaring Eagle on the go
The sight sets your heart aglow!





If we meet and I say, "Hi,"
That's a salutation.

If you ask me how I feel,
That's consideration.

If we stop and talk awhile,
That's a conversation.

If we understand each other,
That's communication.

If we argue, scream and fight,
That's an altercation.

If later we apologize,
That's reconciliation.

If we help each other home,
That's cooperation.

And all these actions added up
Make civilization.

(And if I say this is a wonderful
poem, Is that exaggeration?)

- Shel Silverstein

The Oak and the Rose

An oak tree and a rosebush grew,
Young and green together,
Talking the talk of growing things-
Wind and water and weather.
And while the rosebush sweetly bloomed
The oak tree grew so high
That now it spoke of newer things-
Eagles, mountain peaks and sky.
"I guess you think you're pretty great,"
The rose was heard to cry,
Screaming as loud as it possibly could
To the treetop in the sky.
"And now you have no time for flower talk,
Now that you've grown so tall."
"It's not so much that I've grown," said the tree,
"It's just that you've stayed so small."


1997-2007 Ankie